Emmanuel Homestead has managed to make strides towards registration which saw the acquisition of reports from the Ministry of Health and Rural District Council after they carried out their inspections of the institution which were both positive. The Home was finally assessed by the department of Social Services. All the assessments were positive.
Schools opened in September 2023 following closure in August 2023. All the children started off well this term and were in good health.
School fees were paid up for all the children and stationery secured for all the children.
Hyperinflation remained a challenge as prices of goods and commodities continued to rise
uncontrollably. Most children wrote end of term exams particularly the exam classes. Generally they all did well in their exams.
Our children have been empowered in life skills to the extent of managing to handle feeding the pigs, chickens and cleaning the stys and runs. They also take part in the fields, holing, mulching, seeding and watering and removing the weeds from the vegetable gardens.
This section looked at piggery, layers, road runners, broilers, crop farming and vegetable gardens.
Two of our sows farrowed 18 piglets during the quarter. However, we lost 6 of the piglets to swine flu. The remaining piglets are in good health. We managed to purchase the feeds and medication.
A look and learn visit were also conducted to Bulawayo on a piggery project that is being successfully run. The stys were perfectly done and neat and their record keeping was superb. They also had a vibrant marketing strategy which helped them realize enough profit.
All the layers were disposed of following the expiration of egg production cycle. We therefore intend to embark on another cycle by ploughing back the funds raised form sales. We sold a total of 210 birds at $5 per bird amounting to $1050usd.
Road Runners and Broilers
The roadrunners increased to 110 during the quarter following hatching by other hens.
Feed was bought to supplement to their daily food requirements. All of our turkeys fell prey to stray dogs during the quarter.
A look and learn visit was conducted in August to Bulawayo where broilers are kept in large numbers, 35 000 per batch. The producer Mr. Miller oriented us on the massive production of broilers and the critical areas one has to give attention to. The visit was done as a preparatory process for the introduction of the same project at Emmanuel Homestead. Below is the automated fowl run they use in their production. The capital costs are however high, but one can begin with few chicks and develop from there, as a feasible option.

Crop farming
The field was prepared ready for planting maize once the first rains are received. We practice zero tillage at the Homestead. 10kg of maize seed, 50kg of Compound D fertilizer were bought.
Vegetable Production
The third batch of tomato plant did quite well this quarter again. Tomatoes were harvested from the backward garden during the quarter. The green leafy vegetables did well and were harvested. The new crop is thriving now together with green pepper.
The children ministry continued to grow as we saw a number of children being added to the body of Christ. Some other children continued to enjoy themselves with various activities ranging from ball games, poems, drama, ART and theatre to mention but a few. They were also active in church through the children ministry. At the Homestead, they were involved with feeding of animals and chickens as well as watering and weeding the garden.
A children camp meeting was conducted at Emmanuel Homestead in July. The camp attracted quite a number of children from schools and other orphanages. 250children were in attendance. Children were encouraged to read the word, pray daily, uphold Christian values of Jesus Christ, selection of friends, and good behaviour both at school and home etc. the camp was done in 2 days and the children really enjoyed every minute as they came together and interacted in songs and dances in the presence of the Lord.
There has been an introductions of the Esther’s support groups for girls targeting girl children who are 17yrs and above. The thrust of the support group is to groom the girls in godly relationships and respecting their bodies by avoiding pre-marital sex. Girls in this support group meet once every month for empowerment, prayers and counselling with different resource people.
Some children managed to attend our annual church conference I Harare as per our tradition. They were actively involved do in the children ministry where they were taught the word of God, how to conduct themselves in the fear of the Lord etc.
Evangelism and discipleship programs continued in the quarter as we saw revival of the city assembly which had struggled for a couple of months. We finally managed to secure a venue in town and meetings resumed.
A leadership development seminar was conducted with lay leaders drawn from our assemblies at Emmanuel Homestead. Attendance was good since most of the assemblies were fully represented. Vision casting was done, leadership traits emphasized, church administration, biblical stewardship, children ministry and team building were done and taught.
Mrs. Mudzingwa a Zimbabwean local/native who works in Australia, built a tennis court for the under privileged children in the communities. Our orphanage was also considered and hence our children shall be trained in these courts free of charge. We sincerely applaud this gesture that shall promote and support the talent in these children.

The church organization continues to enjoy partnerships with umbrella bodies like
National Association for Non-Governmental Organization (NANGO), Zimbabwe Aids
Network (ZAN), Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children (ZNCWC) and
Masvingo Association for Residential Care Facilities Trust (MARCFT).
This quarter, we enjoyed partnership with Hands of Hope and Scripture Union.
Through our partnership with Hands of Hope, we received mealie meal, kapenta, salt and for the children at the orphanage and in foster homes.
Lady Pastors together with caregivers met during the course of the quarter to discuss foster parenting. This was part of a refresher course on foster parenting. The girl child has to be protected and supported by all means possible because of their vulnerability. The clergy encouraged each other to give attention to the girl child particularly those in foster homes.it is the duty and responsibility of a good mother to bring up children in the ways of the Lord. And as such, foster parenting has to be prioritized. Women shared their experiences with foster parenting and shared notes to improve support of children.
The foster homes were supported through food provisions, education and spiritually during the quarter. Daily routines like prayer and study of the word were carried out in addition to daily chores for life skills development.
Muchakata assembly was completed and commissioned during the quarter. We are grateful unto the Lord for such a milestone reached. Our appreciation also goes to International Cooperating ministries for their unequivocal support.
Coordination continued with sister children homes continued, Rose of Sharon,
Tanyaradzwa, Horizon Zimbabwe children's homes and Esteemed Children Trust.
In this quarter of project implementation, the following were the challenge faced:
Hyperinflation remains the common challenge resulting in exorbitant prices
for commodities.
School fees hikes were a major challenge at all levels, primary,
and tertiary. We had to drop other children from the program because of this
The increasing need of children in terms of education support continues to
In the subsequent quarter we envisage the following:
Continued expansion of horticulture project
School fees payment for the children and youths.
Purchase of feeds and medication for the animals
Conduct a Youth and children camp meeting at Emmanuel Homestead
Butternut farming to meet prevailing demand on market
Women and girls economic empowerment training
Embark on massive broiler and rabbit business
Administrative obligations
We are grateful unto the Lord for the continued partnership with Every Home for Christ
Canada, Change A Life Foundation and International Cooperating Ministries.