We are grateful for Change a Life Foundation for the Christmas gifts towards underprivileged children. We managed to distribute 80 Christmas gifts to both girls and boys between the ages of 5 to 15. Children were really excited to receiving gifts which is a gesture of care and love expressed to them from a free will. These gifts impacted them positively as they made them realize that they are valuable and there are people out there who cares about them deeply. Self-perception and self-esteem were enhanced. Glory be to God who gave us His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have an eternal life. Children celebrated the birth of Christ Jesus through songs, dances, poems, speeches and motivational words. The organization is thrilled that more children were impacted during this season and hopefully more will be impacted come December 2023. Grateful to God for all those who put smiles on children’s faces.
Director’s Corner: I am so much grateful with the continued support from our partners. Change a Life Foundation supported us in amazing way in the year 2022. We continue dedicated, committed and focused as Horizon Zimbabwe on supporting vulnerable children through livelihood skills, and income generating projects and educational assistance. Establishing residential care institutions for the reception of orphans, vulnerable children who fall out of the family safety net. Provide assistance to families affected by natural disasters and serving children and their differences. Despites life threatening incidents faced in 2022 through robbers; we are delighted with all activities in our thematic areas. Moreover, Broiler Projects, Farming Projects, Homes Projects, School Projects and Church Projects among others. All these are possible through your unwavering support.
We continue praying and hoping for a double impact in 2023 across all of our projects.
Highlights and Success Stories
• Children celebrated Christmas fashionably – CAL -Gifts
• Broilers Project continue growing.
• Horizon Zimbabwe contributes towards Kuwadzana, Nyamuti and Buhera.
• Underprivileged children cannot wait for Daniel Academy School – Dzivaresekwa to enroll as is roof done- now awaits plumbing, floors and tubing.
• Borrowdale Children’s home continue awaiting review and registration.
• Farming Season begun – despite rainfall inconsistencies in 2022-2023 season.
• Daniel academy Epworth Enrollment skyrockets; Ordinary Level Students results around the corner.
• Food distribution to Orphans and vulnerable groups continues.
• Coordinators and staff held a Strategic Plan Meeting as 2023 starts brightly.
Broiler Project Continue growing.
Horizon Zimbabwe is thrilled with Change a Life Foundation’s commitment and dedication to the poultry project. This area has been one of the best highlights of the year 2022. Despite different challenges encountered during the course of the year, its growth has been undeniably visible. The figures both for the birds and monetary side have been exponentially rising very much to every stakeholder’s delightfulness. The year 2022, specifically the last quarter (October, November and December) came with the greatest challenges of electricity power cuts. Maximum realization of alternative sources of energy was the organization’s goals and targets or projections but however affected by the economic upheaval barricade. We managed to dispose a good number of birds, but it could have been better. Inputs also rose up forcing us to flex our refrigerators budgets., much to our disgruntlement slaughtered chickens.
Dawnview Home
Dawnview Home is open to having poultry due to the variables enabling such a project. The project will be of paramount importance as a sustainable project for children who will be coming and other sundry needs of the home. We are really interested keeping at least 1 000 birds at this home.
The garden project is going well in Buhera. To cement our commitment to transform livelihood of people in Buhera, it is of great interest that we start a poultry project in the area. With efforts made on making the area have projects that run smoothly adding this project ideal as a sustainable project in this area.
The organization contributes towards the construction of this facility as orphans and underprivileged children benefit now and in the future from it. Recently Horizon Zimbabwe contributed $ 1,500 towards the development of the infrastructure.
Nyamuti Church is almost done being constructed and recently Horizon Zimbabwe contributed $ 800.00 towards the project. The infrastructure will help a lot of children in our children’s clubs in different ways.
Chemicals for treatment are constantly needed especially in this raining season we are in. Horizon Zimbabwe managed to plant maize and ground nuts. The garden project is going well, and we are grateful for that.
Goats’ project has been affected by diseases killing goats.
Future Plans:
Breeding goats, Peanut butter machine, Maize, ground nuts and sunflower seeds
Victoria Falls Project:
Currently Horizon Zimbabwe has 12 sponsored children, who are supported through educational assistance, cash transfers and food parcels. The organization also does have land to build Children’s Home in Victoria Falls.
Future Plans:
Construction of Children’s Home, Installation of a Borehole.
Borrowdale Children's Home
We are glad that Borrowdale Children’s Home is ready to accommodate orphans. The home only awaits review by Social Welfare. Upon completion the Home should accommodate more than 60 children.
We have planted maize covering more than one and half hectares to helping orphans through feeding schemes and food distribution programs.
Road runners Project and Garden Project continues.
Future Plans:
Borrow dale Children’s Home is oriented to change vegetable garden into Horticulture.
Fish Farming (Fishponds etc.)
Two water pumps to supplement water supply.
Incubator (eggs)
Sewing Machines
Maize seed and fertilizers
Dawnview Children's Home
We are glad about Dawnview Home Project as it is almost completed.
Security fence and some furniture are the only items left for the home to accommodate orphans.
Upon completion, it is expected to accommodate more than 20 orphans.
Future Plans
Fence (Durawall)
Borehole installation
Tiling Bedrooms
Daniel Academy Schools
We are thrilled with the Daniel Academy Project in Dzivaresekwa.
The school could not open in January as projected due to pending work including putting floors, plumbing, furniture, electricity installation among others.
Over 300 children are expected to benefit through educational empowerment, psychosocial support, Christian education, artistic expressions among others.
The premises are expected to host a number of activities comprising, psycho-social support, Christian educations, sports and recreation, talent shows among others that are open to the community at large.
Christian education among others and more than 300 orphans continue to benefit through this project.
Textbooks, Roof repair, Toilet Repair, Floors Repairs and Administration Block.
Future Plans
Construction of an Administration Block.
Installation of electricity
Renovation of roof top of the classroom block was partly swept away by rainfall and wind hence it needs attention.
Renovation of classroom floors
Renovation of boy's toilets swept away by rainfall and wind.
Sports equipment
Security Fence (Durawall)
Nyanga Project
Horizon Zimbabwe runs a children’s club in Nyanga with around 100 children. The organization has land for Children’s home and 2 rendezvous. The organization is looking forward to having the borehole installed in this area as well as the construction of Children’s Home. There is a great need in the area for assistance through sustainable projects and caring for orphans, vulnerable and underprivileged children.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: To visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27